How Econocom optimized testing by 60%

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Previous to Xray, "We were using the Atlassian Jira plugin Zephyr. Unfortunately, we couldn’t organize our tests except using Test cycle (which isn’t the purpose of that type of task). The support wasn’t as reactive as expected, neither were the improvements”.

Nadège Hotellier, Software Engineer at Econocom

About Econocom

Econocom designs, finances and executes large-scale digital transformations. With over 10,800 employees in 18 countries and revenue of €3.0 billion, Econocom has the size and track record necessary to deliver unparalleled value to their clients looking to modernize their business operations.

In just 6 months Econocom wrote over 750 tests across 20 projects and saw a 60% optimization in their test process as a result of switching to Xray.

One of their primary reasons for switching to a new test management tool was the need for test automation. This is no surprise since automated tests make the testing process faster and more reliable.

Since Econocom's internal digital transformation supported by Xray, they have been excelling at executing digital transformations for their own clients.

Read on to find out what challenges Econocom faced prior to Xray, and how the right tool made them more agile, automated and efficient.

The Challenge

We talked with Nadège Hotellier, a software engineer at Econocom, to learn more about the challenges faced before implementing Xray.

Her main pain points with past test management tools were:

  • Lack of automation;
  • No hierarchical way of organizing tests;
  • Slow and unresponsive support;
  • Lack of improvements and new features.

In addition to resolving these challenges, Econocom had the following additional requirements for a test management solution:

  • Option for migrating test data;
  • Native REST API & CI Integrations;
  • Easy and intuitive user experience;
  • Company transparency and integrity.

After evaluating several test management tools, Econocom selected Xray for these 4 main reasons.

The Solution

Fast migration delivers value quickly

Econocom knew switching tools meant the team would have less focus on delivering value to their clients. That’s why they used Xray Cloud’s migration scripts to automatically import existing tests from Zephyr. As a result, Econocom switched from Zephyr cloud to Xray in less than 1 month. Note: Xray for Jira Server/DC also provides a seamless built-in migration from Zephyr, which makes importing your data a fast and efficient experience.

Save time and produce better results with test automation

Secondly, Econocom was actively looking to increase their test automation, and Xray’s integrations and support with multiple test automation frameworks and tools was a major plus. Every QA manager knows that automation is time and effort saving since automated tests reduce the effort associated with the execution and validation of tests. Xray supports many testing frameworks, natively with cucumber tests, and also indirectly by processing execution reports when results are submitted using Xray’s REST API. Since adopting Xray, Econocom has started to automate their testing with Selenium.

Easily test large codebases

Another winning factor for Econocom is the Test Repository feature, which allows users to organize Tests hierarchically via folders. Econocom knew they wanted a great user experience while organizing and executing tests and with the Test Repository feature, they are able to optimize their testing efforts and work with clarity and focus.

Roadmap visibility and continued improvements

No software is perfect but what matters is a commitment to improvement. Econocom saw Xray’s public roadmap which gave them an idea for upcoming improvements and new features like Xray’s support for Risk-Based Testing, which came out in 2019. Xray also has a public release plan, where anyone can share their ideas for features and vote on the features they want to see implemented. This was the kind of transparency and engagement Econocom was looking for in a new tool.

The Result

We took the trial version to test the plugin and it was enough for us to know that we wouldn’t regret choosing Xray when compared to Zephyr.

Nadège Hotellier, Software Engineer at Econocom

Throughout the month-long trial and subsequent migration period, Econocom leveraged Xray’s stellar support team for help with everything from simple questions to automated migration scripts.

Xray helped us organize our tests and facilitated the upgrade to the new tool. The API to import tests or test executions allowed us to consider more test automation especially with Selenium.

Nadège Hotellier, Software Engineer at Econocom

In the end, we can see how switching to Xray was an obvious choice for Econocom. As a leader in digital transformation, Econocom uses only best-in-class software tools, and we’re happy that Xray meets their high standards of excellence.

If your current test management tool isn’t meeting your expectations, it’s never too late to make a change. Start a free trial of Xray, or read our side-to-side comparisons with other Test Management tools.

At Xray, we're here to make your testing journey a success.

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