How exploratory testing tools benefit QA teams

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Exploratory testing is a successful method for locating undiscovered defects in software. However, many companies request that testers use scripted test cases based on predetermined product requirements rather than exploratory testing. 

Although scripted test cases help find faults in a product's code, exploratory tests assist the QA team in finding difficult-to-predict problems within the features of the finished product.

Exploratory testing should ideally be part of a complete QA toolkit alongside other techniques. In this blog post, you'll learn more about the exploratory testing process and the benefits and techniques QA teams get using this testing method.


Xray Exploratory App for exploratory testing

Exploratory testing vs. Scripted testing

Exploratory testing does not limit testers to specific instructions like traditional, scripted testing. Because test cases are not pre-written, the tester can repeat and learn as they go.

Exploratory testing does produce far more defects being reported before the launch, improving the product the team delivers and ultimately leading to more satisfied testers and desired results, regardless of your point of view.


Exploratory Testing in Agile

Flexibility and ongoing improvement are critical components of an agile methodology. The goal of agile is to be able to react, and adapt swiftly and effectively. Exploratory testing in agile benefits QA teams since it integrates seamlessly with the working methods and helps QA teams achieve better testing results.

The demand for frequent software upgrades has increased, requiring faster software development and continuous delivery. Testing procedures must adapt to change quickly and seamlessly. This issue is successfully tackled with exploratory testing, where the constant process enables faster bug discovery and more frequent releases.


Why do QA teams need tools for test management?

Analyzing the most recent developments in the software business makes it possible to understand the need for test management.

QA teams expect to produce software applications quickly while maintaining high-quality standards. Therefore, effective management of all testing processes is crucial.

Test management tools are helpful for this reason as well. Companies handle a lot of pressure to deliver products with the fewest potential defects in the shortest time. Together with development teams, testers can succeed by using test management.


Why are exploratory testing tools beneficial?

QA teams and developers must engage in thorough testing methods when releasing the best software apps onto the market to promptly uncover flaws and get faster and more reliable feedback.

Additionally, relying on exploratory testing tools is essential for businesses to survive the fierce competition that consistently introduces the best products to the market. Before submitting  software to the market, it is necessary to analyze it and identify potential areas for improvement and development.

With exploratory testing tools, QA teams can ensure that all possible scenarios are considered, thanks to this broader line of testing. 

Complete your exploratory testing toolset with the Xray Exploratory Testing App

The Xray Exploratory App is a free desktop application that accelerates the exploratory testing process by providing you with the resources to gather data and quickly communicate your findings. By making documentation easier, our exploratory testing tool enables you to test more untested code, identify novel testing situations, and locate challenging errors.



Xray Exploratory Testing App features:

1. Natively integrate Xray and Jira

The Xray Exploratory App can be fully integrated with Atlassian Jira and Xray App for Jira. You can run Xray tests from Jira that are already manual or generic. However, you can also use it as a standalone desktop tool for exploration.

2. Test web, desktop and mobile, and export reports

You can create new test sessions, upload the test session evidence and PDF report to Jira (Test Runs), and export test the PDF report to get a clearer view of your testing results.


3. Record video, audio and screenshots

During your testing with Xray Exploratory App you can also record videos and audios, take screenshots, make annotations and write notes and comments.


4. Test in various scenarios to detect bugs that are difficult to find

You'll avoid test coverage gaps, which could lead to significant software failures, when you direct the testing process rather than just following what has been specified for you.

When using exploratory testing, you begin with a goal or mission, and your course of action is determined by how the system functions and your level of experience. The tester investigates the system iteratively to gain additional knowledge. Results and insights reinforce one another, so test the system in all possible settings.


5. Use testers' abilities and knowledge to test the system opportunistically

Organizations today think that all of their tests should be automated. Pre-written tests, however, still leave holes in your testing, making your code insecure.

By employing the exploratory testing methodology, you can improve your knowledge and abilities as you test more and more. No machine has yet been able to match the special talent, expertise, and experience that a human tester brings.


6. Quickly fix errors and share knowledge with the development and QA team

Share your knowledge to broaden the collective understanding of everyone working in the SDLC (software development life-cycle) and assist in locating damaging, difficult-to-find faults and errors.

You'll find insights when you share your expertise that you might miss if you kept it to yourself. You may utilize the Xray Exploratory App to gather evidence and make it entirely visible to your team inside Xray by linking the timeline of your exploratory testing session.

Improve your QA teamwork with exploratory testing tools

Exploratory testing is an innovative and varied testing approach. Since testers are given the flexibility to create and execute tests without interference, using this technique will help you uncover more defects and get results quickly.

Exploratory testing involves acting like the user, moving backwards, doing functions improperly, and continuous analysis. This process allows QA teams to improve their testing strategies, uncover risk and get better results.

With this testing method you can test unconventionally and identify issues in areas that are often only briefly checked. Start using the Xray Exploratory Testing App today.


Xray Exploratory App for exploratory testing


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