Generate and track in-sprint tests with Xray and Test Modeller

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As complex applications change faster than ever, testers must create, prioritize and maintain tests with greater speed and velocity than ever before. In-sprint testing cannot rely on slow and manual test case creation, and maintaining repetitive scripts manually becomes impossible in short iterations. Testing requires an automated and systematic approach to test creation so you can reliably update tests based on the latest changes.

The Xray -Test Modeller integration generates and maintains optimized test cases, scripts and data from quick-to-build flowcharts, targeting testing to find bugs while they are quick and easy to fix. Pushing the optimized tests to Xray ensures that every team knows what tests need to be run and when, while providing full visibility across the software testing and development lifecycle.

The main benefits of the Xray and Test Modeller integration

  1. Business analysts, developers and testers collaborate in parallel from the Test Modeller flowcharts and in the Xray test suites, and thus avoid the bugs and rework created by miscommunication;
  2. Automated test generation creates the smallest set of Xray test cases based on time and risk, finding potentially costly bugs before they create substantial rework;
  3. Test script generation avoids scripting bottlenecks, reusing code from open source, commercial, and homegrown test automation frameworks;
  4. Integrated test data allocation equips tests with accurate data as they are generated and run, avoiding the time lost in finding, making, and searching for complex test data;
  5. Test maintenance time is minimized, and updating central flowcharts is as easy as hitting “generate” to create an up-to-date set of in-sprint tests.

Manual test creation exposes rapidly changing systems to risk

Testing teams today must design and maintain comprehensive tests at the rate of rapid system change, executing comprehensive test suites in days or weeks. Cumbersome manual processes like repetitive test design, skill-intensive scripting, slow data refreshes, and updating brittle tests, all prevents in-sprint testing. 

There is also no time in short sprints to execute every possible test, but testers often lack a reliable or systematic method for reducing test volume. Repetitive tests instead focus on expected scenarios, while out-of-date tests and inaccurate data create time-consuming test failures. To release fast-changing systems in short sprints, testing must be rapid, targeted, and reactive to change.

Generate and track in-sprint tests with Xray-Test Modeller integration

With Xray and Test Modeller, cross-functional teams can test rapidly changing systems in short sprints and confidently deliver quality software with every release. 

Test Modeller rapidly generates the rigorous tests needed for in-sprint testing, and synchronizes them with Xray to ensure that every test needed is run before the next release. Intuitive visual flowcharts generate optimized test cases, scripts and data, feeding them into Xray for rigorous and traceable testing. 

Test Modeller provides a range of accelerators to rapidly build up-to-date flowcharts of fast-changing systems, and imports test cases, automated tests, user stories, and more. Automated coverage algorithms then create the smallest set of test cases needed to cover the modelled logic, while risk-based test creation targets testing based on time and need. Finally, optimized tests are then exported to Xray and the test automation frameworks which run the tests required in-sprint without the delays caused by test creation, data provisioning or maintenance.

With Test Modeller, system designers, developers and testers collaborate in parallel to generate up-to-date tests and data. A powerful code generation engine reuses code from open source, commercial and homegrown frameworks, pushing customizable test scripts to source control systems and CI/CD pipelines. Maintaining the rigorous Xray tests and automated test scripts is then as quick and simple as updating the visual flowcharts as systems and requirements change.

How it works

Paths generated from up-to-date flowcharts in Test Modeller become test cases in Xray test suites. With easy-to-configure field mappings, any data in the flowcharts can be pushed to default and custom fields in Xray issues and test steps.

Exporting tests via the Jira and Xray API creates a unique link between Test Modeller paths and Xray test cases. Cross-functional teams can then quickly update central flowcharts as complex systems and requirements change, and hit “generate” to update rigorous test suites in Xray. Meanwhile, test run results from automated tests are synchronized across Test Modeller flowcharts and Xray tests.

The integration between Xray and Test Modeller provides:

  1. Automated test case generation into test suites in Xray Cloud;
  2. Links between generated test cases and existing requirements in Jira/Xray;
  3. Regeneration of Xray test cases as system changes are reflected in Test Modeller;
  4. Custom field mapping to update test step names, descriptions, data, expected results and more in Xray fields;
  5. Generation of corresponding automated tests, pushed to source control systems, CI/CD pipelines and bespoke test automation frameworks;
  6. Synchronization of test automation run results in visual flowcharts and Xray test cases.


Go-live with confidence

With Xray and Test Modeller, cross-functional teams avoid delays caused by test creation, scripting and maintenance through easy-to-use flowcharts that generate optimized tests and data. The rigorous tests are pushed to bespoke test automation frameworks and Xray test suites, running and tracking the tests needed to release fast-changing systems in short iterations.

About Test Modeller and Curiosity Software

Curiosity was the first company to launch an Open Test Platform. Their goal is simple – don’t test when you don’t have to. With data-driven insights into the impact of change, Curiosity expose the fastest path to validate your changes in-sprint and with complete test data. 

The Open Test Platform builds on the Curiosity team’s wide-reaching experience in crafting test generation and test data management solutions, and encompasses their flagship Test Data Automation and Test Modeller products. Test Data Automation provides rich data “just in time” for automated tests and parallel test teams, ensuring that every test has the data it needs. Test Modeller generates optimised test cases and scripts from quick-to-build-flowcharts, importing new stories and tests to generate rigorous tests in-sprint. 

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